YALE GRADS OF 2025.......Welcome to the 2024/2025 School Year!
This site will be updated with new scholarship opportunities as the year progresses. Graduating students should also:
- Join our "Yale Counsellors' Scholarship and Post Secondary Info" in Microsoft Teams (class code is: 4kk5jhm)
- Yale Instagram: @yale.counselling
- Watch the hallway monitors!
- Listen for announcements
- The Counsellors are available for extra assistance. Please email them for an appointment.
Important Dates
BC Transcript Verification (are you graduating?) See your counsellor.
Parents/students are encouraged to attend the Canadian University Event (CUE) on September 24th in the WJ Mouat gym. This mini-fair format will be held from 6-8:00 pm.
District Scholarship Applications are due-See Mr. Smith
October 1-UFV Applications are open for grade 12s who wish to attend in the Fall of 2025.
TENTATIVE!-BC Post Secondary Night for our Gr. 12s at Robert Bateman on November 21st from 6:00-8:30 pm with a mini-fair and presentations.
- The Abbotsford Community Foundation has provided more than $8 million dollars in scholarships and bursaries to Abbotsford high school graduates. This year, it will provide over 400 awards funded by the income from student award endowment funds and support from annual student award donors.
- Applicants are available online beginning on February 1st at 9:00 am
- At least one single-sided reference letter is required to apply so plan ahead.
- Applications can be found on the Abbotsford Community Foundation website: https://abbotsfordcf.org/granting/student-awards-program/apply-for-a-student-award/
The online application closing deadline is February 28, 2025 at 2:30 pm
The Student Transcript Service- Post-Secondary Institutions Selections Form must be completed online at the Ministry of Education website if a student is attending any post-secondary institution in September. This ensures that final transcripts are received by individual institutions. Make frequent visits to www.yale@abbyschools.ca or the Abby Schools App for updates on post-secondary and scholarship info.
Do a 100-hour project showing off your abilities in a non-academic area for a chance at $1250.
Applications open from October 1-31. See Mr. Smith for information and applications.
This section will be updated once we have received the updated list for this year.
*****SCHOLARSHIP LIST 2023/2024 PDF (CLICK HERE)!!! . Check out this list for a variety of scholarships( drawn from across BC) organized by application due date! See your counsellor with questions.
Loran Scholarship 2024
Applications are now open. Deadline is October 2024.
Click Here for information and application instructions
the link is: www.loranscholar.ca
Schulich Leader Scholarship 2024
Yale Secondary can sponsor ONE student for the Schulich Leadership Scholarship. Schulich Leadership Scholarships are awarded to secondary school grads who are enrolling in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) programs at one of their CANADIAN partner universities (see list on website.) If you wish to be considered for nomination please see your counsellor by December/2024. The nominee must exemplify at least two of the following criteria: Academic Excellence, Leadership and Financial Need. The Yale Selection Committee will meet in December to determine our nominee. The successful applicant will be notified in December prior to Christmas break.
Click here for more information: www.schulichleaders.com
Scholarship Opportunities Summary
Listed are some of the opportunities for students to earn/win scholarship money for their post- secondary education. For items A to D you can go to the Ministry website for more information…. http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/provincial-scholarships
A) BC Achievement Scholarships- For the 2024/2025 school year, 8000 top B.C. graduates with the highest cumulative average based on courses required for graduation (both required and elective) are eligible to receive a $1250 scholarship voucher to use towards their post-secondary tuition. The Ministry will determine recipients based on students’ achievement in Grades 10, 11, and 12 courses that satisfy graduation program requirements (including elective courses). Career Life Connections 12 will not be included. A cumulative average percentage will be calculated and form the basis for awarding the BC Achievement Scholarship.
B) BC Excellence Scholarships- There are 55 Scholarships available in the province to recognize well-rounded B.C. graduates. Winners will have demonstrated community service, both inside and outside their schools, and shown aptitude and commitment to their chosen career paths. They will receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to use for post-secondary tuition. Students must be nominated for this scholarship by their school. Only one student per school can be nominated. Please see the counsellors in December 2024 if interested in being nominated.
C) Pathway to Teaching Scholarship- The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship (PTES) is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Each recipient will receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to use towards tuition in their teaching program at a designated BC post-secondary institution. A student cannot win both a Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship and a BC Excellence Scholarship.
D) District Authority Awards- $1250 education voucher awarded to students for excellence in a non-academic area (eg. Fine Arts, Applied Skills, Trades, Physical Education, Foreign Languages……). Students demonstrate their skills by producing a significant (100+ hr) project and then presenting it in April. Information is available in the Counselling Centre and on Yale’s website. Deadline for applying to do a project is October 30th 2024.
Post-Secondary Scholarships – each Post-Secondary institution has scholarships to be awarded to new students. Go to the institution’s website and look for Scholarships and Awards. The amount of the scholarship will vary and each institution will list their criteria. Some scholarships are awarded automatically based on the student’s course average for their qualifying courses. For other awards an application along with a resume and/or an essay are needed to be considered by the awards panel at the institution. Each award will state the deadline and what needs to be completed for a student to be considered.
Other websites:
Brittany Palmer-Unlock Your Future – a complete resource website with information and tips about applying for scholarship, go to http://www.keytoscholarships.com/ for more information.
Students Awards – a search engine to help you find scholarships, go to …. http://www.studentawards.com/
Investigate other avenues
- parents- employer, union, financial institution
- affiliation - parent, child, other relatives
- sport groups, service clubs, Legion
- affiliation - parent, child, other relatives
- sport groups, service clubs, Legion
Message To Parents
Grad Fee
Grad BBQ
Grad Cruise
Grad Photos
Grad Rings
Stage Crossing Quotes
Message From The Counsellors
Transcripts and Dogwood Diplomas
Convocation & Rehearsal
Convocation Ceremony Streaming
Grand March & Prom