Message from the Counselling Staff
A Message from Your Counsellors
Do you want to graduate? Would you like to attend post-secondary of any kind after you graduate? Do you want to apply for scholarships that will financially assist you with the cost of post-secondary education? WE NEED TO MEET!
Ms. Cassandra Ladyka A-G
Mr. Cam Smith H-N
Mrs. Jennifer Wickman O-Z
Important Dates
BC Transcript Verification (are you graduating?) See your counsellor.
Parents/students are encouraged to attend the Canadian University Event (CUE) on September 24th in the WJ Mouat gym. This mini-fair format will be held from 6-8:00 pm.
District Scholarship Applications are due-See Mr. Smith
October 1-UFV Applications are open for grade 12s who wish to attend in the Fall of 2025.
There will also be a BC Post Secondary Night for our Gr. 12s at Robert Bateman on November 21st from 6:00-8:30 pm with a mini-fair and presentations.
Distribution of Abbotsford Foundation Scholarship booklets/application forms. See Mrs. Wickman.
Post-Secondary Institutions Selections Form; must be completed online at the Ministry of Education website if a student is attending any post-secondary institution in September. This ensures that final transcripts are received by individual institutions. Make frequent visits to www.yale@abbyschools.ca or the Abby Schools App for updates on post-secondary and scholarship info.
Transcripts: Students need to complete an online application for students to view their transcripts and to request that transcripts be forwarded to universities. Following these steps:
- You must sign up for a BCeID for students to view their transcripts and to request that transcripts be forwarded to universities.
Go to http://www.StudentTranscripts.gov.bc.ca and login using your BCeID
- From the Student Transcript Service dashboard on the website you can send and order transcripts, view exam and assessment results, and view scholarship information.
Abbotsford Community Foundation Awards:
- The Abbotsford Community Foundation has provided more than $8 million dollars in scholarships and bursaries to Abbotsford high school graduates. This year, it will provide over 400 awards funded by the income from student award endowment funds and support from annual student award donors.
- Applicants are available online beginning on February 1st at 9:00 am
- At least one single-sided reference letter is required to apply so plan ahead.
- Applications can be found on the Abbotsford Community Foundation website: https://abbotsfordcf.org/granting/student-awards-program/apply-for-a-student-award/
- The online application closing deadline is February 28, 2025 at 3:30 pm
How to access updated information from the counselling staff on social media:
- Website: https://yale.abbyschools.ca/students/grads/scholarships
- Instagram: @yale.counselling
Message To Parents
Grad Fee
Grad BBQ
Grad Cruise
Grad Photos
Grad Rings
Stage Crossing Quotes
Message From The Counsellors
Transcripts and Dogwood Diplomas
Convocation & Rehearsal
Convocation Ceremony Streaming
Grand March & Prom