Our grade 12 students are expected to be role models on campus. Students earn the privilege of participation in grad ceremonies by having the correct courses, and correct number of course credits with an expectation that all required courses currently in progress will be successfully completed. Students who are short of course credits and/or failing required courses, having excessive absences and lates to school will not be able to participate in graduation activities. This decision will be made by counsellors and the school administration on a case-by-case basis. Students affected will be informed. Students who are unclear about their graduation eligibility should contact a counsellor at the earliest opportunity.
The school administration cannot, and will not, condone any activity that puts student safety at risk, violates school or school district policies or encourages unlawful behaviour. Grad Camp Outs, Grad Kidnappings and Grad pranks in recent years have involved a variety of questionable activities such as missed classes, disturbing the learning of neighbouring schools, damage to school property, and the use of alcohol. These activities will not be tolerated. Members of the Graduating Class who participate in any activity that results in willful damage to property, the use of alcohol or drugs, disturbances in the community or the interruption of educational programs, will be disciplined including suspension and/or revoking the privilege to attend any graduation activities.
For full details on Graduation expectations and events see the Grad Policies under the students tab