Code of Conduct

Our commitment is to promote a safe, caring, and orderly school where students and staff can learn and work effectively. We value diversity and guard the dignity and rights of all members of the school community. We strive for an environment that is free from discrimination based on gender, race, religion and/or sexual orientation as outlined in the BC Human Rights Code. We will promote and support these values regardless of time and place or how we interact with one another - whether face-to-face or electronically. Our school code of conduct aligns with the District code of conduct which can be reviewed on the district website.

District Code of Conduct

Yale Secondary School Code of Conduct

At Yale, we expect students to demonstrate courtesy and respect towards others and school property. Profanity, verbal or physical abuse, threats, intimidation, derogatory remarks, or bullying are strictly prohibited. Any form of violence, aggression, or intimidation, including electronic postings, will be taken very seriously. Fighting, whether on or off-campus, will not be tolerated. Students who gather to observe, encourage, or record an altercation will also face consequences.

Yale Code of Conduct

In addition to following the District Code of Conduct, students are required to comply with the Yale Secondary Code of Conduct. Yale students represent the school at all times, including during breaks, lunches, study blocks, travel to and from school, and at school functions such as field trips and sporting events. Violations of school rules will result in escalating consequences and/or interventions. These may include community service, detentions, loss of privileges, mediation, counseling, parent conferences, behavior contracts, and in-school or out-of-school suspensions. The age and maturity of the student will be taken into account when applying consequences. To maintain a safe and secure campus, school officials may need to inform other members of the school community or relevant community agencies in the event of a serious breach of the code of conduct.

Statement of Purpose

Our motto, "Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Each Other, Take Care of This Place," embodies our commitment to fostering a safe, caring, and orderly school environment dedicated to learning. We value diversity and strive to create a space where everyone is equal in dignity and rights, free from all forms of discrimination, including gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation, as outlined in the BC Human Rights Code.

Rising Expectations

As you mature and become a more positive role model in our community, you will develop a deeper sense of pride and belonging to our school. This will enable you to guide younger students in reaching their potential within a safe, caring, and orderly environment. With maturity comes an increased awareness of personal responsibility, and you will better understand the need for escalating consequences for inappropriate behaviour.

Conduct Expectations

Our goal is to provide a safe, caring, and orderly environment where staff and students can work and learn effectively.

Conduct and Behavior: Students are expected to behave appropriately, free from bullying and all forms of harassment, including electronic. Discrimination based on gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation is strictly prohibited.
Violence and Fighting: Physical violence, including fighting, is not tolerated. Observing or filming a fight is considered promoting violence and is against school rules and policies.
Weapons and Dangerous Items: Students are prohibited from bringing weapons, including knives, to school. Possession of weapons will result in serious disciplinary action. Vapes are also considered contraband and will be confiscated if found on school property.
Cooperation and Reporting: Students are expected to provide information that assists school staff in addressing behaviors that threaten individuals, disrupt the school, or endanger anyone. Threatening those who provide information or lodge complaints may result in suspension.
Exemplary Citizenship: Students must conduct themselves as exemplary citizens both at school and in the community. Off-campus behavior that adversely affects the school will be considered a breach of the code of conduct. This code applies to all school activities and events, such as field trips, sports travel, dances, and sports events.
Safe Driving Practices: Students must follow safe driving practices on and near the campus and adhere to restrictions according to their “L” or “N” designation. Driving infractions may result in the revocation of parking privileges and/or suspension.
Tobacco-Free Policy: Yale is a tobacco-free campus. No smoking or vaping is permitted at any time. Violations will be treated as contraband, confiscated, and not returned.
Safety in High-Risk Areas: Students must adhere to all safety rules in high-risk areas such as shops, science labs, food labs, and the gymnasium. Laser pointers, threatening props, or costumes are prohibited.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend all assigned classes, be on time, and be prepared for learning unless excused due to illness or family emergency. Parents must call the office the morning of the absence or provide a note on the student's return. Students must sign out in the office if leaving the campus during the school day.
Absence Policy: As per district policy, schools cannot authorize absences for reasons other than illness or family emergency. Unauthorized absences may lead to academic consequences. Parents are encouraged to plan vacations during school holidays.
Exams and Assignments: All students are expected to write Semester End Exams during scheduled times. They are responsible for the return of all textbooks and materials, with any losses or damages being the student’s responsibility.
Dress Code: Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing as per the Yale Dress Code.
Restricted Areas: Students must avoid areas deemed out of bounds by the administration.
Visitors: Student visitors are only welcome at specific events sponsored by school staff or administration. All visitors must report to the main office.
Social Media and Internet Use: Students must use social media and the Internet appropriately and must not post messages, comments, or images that are threatening or damaging to the reputation of students, staff, or the school.
Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism are prohibited, including the use of AI for academic dishonesty. Repeat offenses may lead to suspension and affect eligibility for awards, scholarships, and bursaries.
Cell Phone Use: Cell phones must not be used during instructional time without teacher permission.


Violations of the school Code of Conduct will result in consistent and fair disciplinary action. When determining appropriate action, the severity and frequency of the violation, as well as the student's age, maturity, and any disabilities, will be considered. Whenever possible, disciplinary action aims to be preventative and restorative rather than punitive. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be addressed as follows:

-The teacher addresses the issue directly with the student(s). Most problems are minor and infrequent and can be resolved this way, either through a class meeting or an individual meeting with the student.

-If the problem persists, the following steps will be taken until it is resolved:

  1. The teacher contacts the parents to inform them of the issue.
  2. The teacher meets with the student and parents, potentially involving the administrator in the meeting. The teacher also provides the vice principal with details of the problem and the interventions used.
  3. The teacher(s), parents, student, and administrator confer about the behaviors necessary for the student to remain at school.
  4. The student may be suspended from school. A conference with the student, parents, and administrator may be required before the student can return. In some cases, an in-school suspension may be warranted or necessary.


When there is a breach of the School Code of Conduct, school officials may have a responsibility to advise the following:

     1. parents of offenders, victims.
      2. school district officials as required by school district policy.
      3. police and/or other agencies as required by law.
      4. All parents when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community.