School Resources
First Aid
Certified first-aid attendants are on staff. Students who require medical attention are to report to the office and will have their parents contacted. Students who become ill during the school day are to check in at the office. If a parent/guardian can be contacted, the student will be permitted to go home with parental permission. Otherwise, the student must remain at school. We have a sick room available for student use.
Please note: the school is not permitted to administer medication to students without the written authorization of the family physician.
Student Medication
We are trying to maintain a uniform, safe, and efficient way of dispensing medication at school. If your child requires medication at school and you have not filled out the required form “Request for Administration of Medication at School”, please contact your principal and request a form. Please have the form completed by your doctor, sign it yourself and return it to the school as soon as possible. This procedure complies with District Procedures regarding medication to be taken at school. This form refers to medication taken on a regular or emergency basis. If there are any questions, please contact the school.”
The Counselling Centre offers a complete range of counselling services to the students of the school. These services include course planning, post-secondary school requirements, financial assistance, bursary and scholarship information, personal counselling, and referrals to community agencies. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the resources available in the Counselling Centre. Students are assigned to counselors alphabetically by surname:
• Mrs. Perry (A – G) • Mr. Smith (H – N) • Mrs. Wickman (O – Z)
Helpline for Children
Do you or someone you know needs help?
If in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or your local police. If you or someone you know is being abused or neglected, you can call the 24-hour Helpline for Children toll-free at 310-1234 (no area code is required).
Anyone Can Call:
Children A child who is being abused at home, at school, - anywhere - can call for help.
Parents Parents who are afraid they might hurt their child can call for help.
Community Members If you know a family where a child is being abused, call the Helpline. You can call anonymously.
On the Other End of the Phone: There is always a social worker at the end of the phone willing to listen, someone to take action, someone who cares.
Hard wired access to the Internet is available to students from computers in our Library Learning Commons. All students who wish to have access must complete a service agreement designed by the School District. This agreement is completed upon initial registration and a copy is kept on file. Wi-Fi access in only available for BYOD devices such as laptops. Due to the bandwidth limitations of our school network, Wi-Fi access will not be given for student cell phones. See Mr. Dekleva in the Yale Library for more details.
Textbooks, Deposits & Fees
Textbooks Textbooks are issued by subject teachers. There is no charge for use of textbooks. Students will be charged if books are lost or damaged.
Textbooks: Lost or damaged textbooks are to be paid for by students up to 100% of replacement value.
Workbooks: Some courses may charge a deposit (face value) subject to the return of the commercially printed workbook in original condition.
Fees: Schools may charge fees for non-curricular services. The following is a standard of service for each fee across the district.
Graduation Fee: The basic cost for graduation will be $60.00 to cover the cost of keeping the cap, gown and tassel, folder, diploma and venue fee.
Student Activity Fee: The student activity fee will be $30.00 to cover the costs of student activities.
Elective Course Materials
Students may be required to pay for materials of superior quality (optional materials) used in the preparation of a project to meet a course requirement.
Applied Skills and Fine Arts: Should a student choose to, they may use “optional” materials to upgrade the project. For example, a student may use a finer grade of wood, or acrylic versus oil-based paint.
Yale proudly presents a yearbook for sale to the student body. Yearbooks are only available for purchase up to Spring Break, so, if possible, buy your yearbook in the fall to avoid disappointment. As well as providing a photographic retrospective, the yearbook is a memento for everyone who goes to Yale. Get your yearbook early!
Holdback policy: Students will receive their yearbooks in June when all texts are returned, and fees have been paid.
School Photos & ID Cards
Photographs are required of all students for the school yearbook and for identification purposes. Please see the Calendar for picture days and picture retake days.
Grad Photos
Grad Photos will be separate from the regular school photos and are taken in the fall. The sign-ups for a sitting will be the week prior to the photo week. You MUST have your picture taken here at the school to be on the grad composite – this is a FREE service. There is also a $45 sitting fee if you would like to order grad pictures for friends and family.
PE Change Room Theft
The P.E. change rooms are the number one theft location in the school. Students must bring their own lock for use in the P.E. change rooms. Do not bring money or any other items of value like cell phones to the locker room or leave them in your bags in the gym. Thieves are always at work and will go through your stuff. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen valuables. Lock it up, or better yet, leave valuables at home.
Protect Yourself from Theft
While we are proud of our students for their honesty and integrity, there are a few dishonest people who may take advantage. Students need to protect themselves from loss of personal property by:
●not sharing your locker combination,
●not bringing valuables or cash to school,
●using a lock and locker in the P.E. change rooms.
●keeping their lockers locked with the padlock fully engaged
Please report thefts to the office promptly. The school does not replace lost or stolen property but every effort will be made to help recover possessions. Report any information to one of the vice-principals if a theft is witnessed.
Care of Property
Students are required to take good care of textbooks, lockers, furniture and all school property. Yale Secondary is a wonderful school that should inspire us all to take care of the school. Vandalism of any sort will not be tolerated.
Offenders can anticipate paying for damage caused.
Student Phone
The phone outside the main office is available for student use, but not during class time. Do not tamper with phone equipment or abuse emergency services. Calling 911 without good cause is a criminal offense! Offenders risk immediate suspension. Students must dial 9 and then the number.
The school encourages all students to take advantage of the Student Accident Insurance Policy Plan offered to them in September. Homeroom teachers distribute applications forms for this coverage during the first week of school. The completed application forms can be mailed directly to the plan administrator in the envelope provided.
Library Learning Commons
The school learning commons is the centre for an incredible amount of resources for learning. Open before school, all day and after school, our learning commons is the hub of the most important student activities in our school: reading, thinking and writing! A variety of resources including multi visual media, computers and books are available to students. Students may borrow materials throughout the year but all books must be returned in May.
Abbotsford Recreational Centre
ARC is a community facility; always be aware there are children, families and seniors in the building and students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.