Convocation & Rehearsal
If you have completed the requirements necessary to graduate, you may participate in Yale’s Convocation. If you are not sure if you have completed the requirements, please see your counsellor. Students enrolled in courses outside of Yale that are required for graduation must have 80% completed by May 15th to be eligible to participate in the ceremony.
Convocation Rehearsal
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Place: Yale
This is a mandatory rehearsal as it allows grads to see where to go, what line-up they are in and who they are standing beside. You will also have to learn the procedure for crossing the stage which often helps with nerves.
At this rehearsal, you will receive your cap and gown which you wear at the Convocation event. Picking up your cap and gown early also means you have more opportunities to have photos taken in your outfit.
Convocation Tickets
Family and friends will require invitations to watch you cross the stage. Each student will receive two invitations included in the grad fee. Pick up your two invitations at lunch from Mr. Caron; listen for the announcements. You must have paid your grad fees and all other school fees. If you need more invitations, they may be purchased online in SchoolCash for $10.00 each.
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Place: Abbotsford Centre
Parking: Parking is free
Grads, please be there on time. Do NOT be LATE!
Come to the ceremony already dressed in your gown with clothes underneath. As this is a formal event, here are some recommendations for clothing choice under your gown: Black pants or skirt, a white shirt, tie, a solid-coloured dress, and black shoes. You will not need to return the gown, so you will have plenty of time for pictures before and after the event.
How to wear your cap & gown:
Message To Parents
Grad Fee
Grad BBQ
Grad Cruise
Grad Photos
Grad Rings
Stage Crossing Quotes
Message From The Counsellors
Transcripts and Dogwood Diplomas
Convocation & Rehearsal
Convocation Ceremony Streaming
Grand March & Prom