Grade 9 Student Information
Grade 9 is an exciting time for students. It's a new school, new teachers, new friends, and many new opportunities to explore. At Yale, we believe that all students are vital to our community and become a part of our "pride". As a Yale Lion, students are encouraged to get involved and contribute to the community.
Here are some questions that parents and students ask?
What is Yale’s Motto?
Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Take care of this place. We encourage all students to embrace this motto during their time at Yale and beyond.
What can I expect on the first day of school?
It is normal for any student to feel nervous on the first day in a new school. Finding classes and meeting new teachers and other students can create more than a few butterflies in the stomach. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP!
What supplies does your child need to bring on the first day?
A pen and some notepaper in a binder will be all that is needed on the first day of school. During the first couple of days, teachers will tell their students about school supplies that are needed for their courses.
How long is the school day?
The school day begins at 8:05 AM and finishes at 2:21 The day begins with a warning bell that rings at 8:05 AM. At this time, students should make their way to their first block. Students are expected to be sitting at their desks by 8:10 AM ready to learn.
What is the weekly schedule?
We work off of a 4-day rotation. Friday is always the same block order. A Lion's Day schedule may be used when there are assemblies, guest speakers or other special events.
What is the protocol for students arriving late to school?
Although there may be times when lateness is unavoidable, students are expected to arrive on time for school each day. If students are late, they are expected to go directly to their class.
What do parents need to do when their child is absent from school?
If you are absent, have a parent call 1-844-487-3701 to report the absence, or they can download the Safe Arrivals App on their phone to report the absence. Unreported Absences will show up on your record as Unexcused Absences.
What if I have to leave school during the school day?
All appointments should be made outside of school hours. If students leave the school for any reason, they must sign out at the office, and their parents need to call 1-844-487-3701 to report the absence or use the Safe Arrivals App.
Will students have homework?
Students are expected to do all work assigned by their teachers. Students are encouraged to do regular home study including review, reading and preparation that goes beyond homework. Failure to do homework may result in teacher assigned consequences.
What is the lunch routine?
The lunch break is 40 minutes long. Lunch tables are provided in the cafeteria. Students may eat outdoors or in the hallways, but do not forget to clean up after yourself.
Is Yale a closed campus?
Yale has a closed-campus policy. This means that only students who attend Yale are to be on the school grounds during the school day. Fraser Middle is also a closed campus, so stay away from their site during school hours.
- Can a student ride a bike to school?
- Bikes brought to school are the sole responsibility of the owner. It is recommended that bicycles be stored in the bike racks provided and that bikes be chained with a high-quality lock at all times when not in use. Be aware that bicycles are a highly sought-after target amongst thieves in the community.
- Can visitors come into the school during class time?
- Friends and/or relatives are not permitted to ‘visit’ during the school day. Parents dropping off lunches, homework, etc. are asked to leave items at the office and students will be paged during a break.
- What are School Fees?
- High school students pay a student activity fee of $30 to cover costs related to student activities, events, guest speakers, student cards, school events, student recognition, student leadership, lock and locker rental. If a family is struggling financially, please contact a counsellor as financial help is available.
- Are there any additional fees?
- Students who choose to participate in extracurricular activities e.g., athletics, will be asked to submit an additional fee to cover costs related to playing each specific sport. If financial assistance is needed to pay additional fees, please contact a counsellor as financial help is available.
Are cell phones permitted in school?
Electronic devices can be a source of disruption to learning and are not to be used in classrooms unless requested under teacher direction for educational purposes. Phones are not to be used during instructional time unless under the direction of the teacher. The use of any cell phone in a manner that violates a person's reasonable expectation of privacy, including but not limited to, the use of change rooms and washrooms is strictly prohibited and may be subject to discipline. Cell phones that interrupt classes will be confiscated and handed over to the administration leading to escalating consequences for repeating offenders. Additionally, electronic devices are the number one choice of thieves with the PE change rooms being the number one theft location. Yale does not accept responsibility for the theft of these items.
- What is the Student Code of Conduct for Yale?
Yale Secondary follows the Abbotsford School District's Code of Conduct which is as follows:
The Board believes that acceptable student conduct, based on respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for property, is essential to the development of responsible citizens. Students are expected to:
- Be aware of and obey all school rules;
- Respect the rights of all persons within the school including peers, staff, parents/guardians and volunteers;
- Refrain from lying, cheating, stealing;
- Attend classes punctually and regularly;
- Work cooperatively and diligently at their studies and home assignments;
- Respect the legitimate authority of the school staff;
- Respect all school property, including buildings and equipment;
- Respect the diversity of our school community;
- Behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times;
- Refrain from any behaviour that would threaten, harass, bully (bullying includes but is not limited to, physical or verbal intimidation, verbal harassment and cyberbullying), intimidate, assault or discriminate against, in any way, any person within the school community on or off school property;
- Refrain from being in possession of, or under the influence of, drugs and/or alcohol in all school facilities or on school grounds or at school-sponsored functions and activities;
- Refrain from being in possession of weapons of any kind in school or at school activities;
- Refrain from inappropriate communication on any personal digital device during hours of instruction or during any school-sponsored activity.
- The Board believes that any breach of Code of Conduct behaviours or expectations would be considered unacceptable. Students are encouraged to inform a responsible adult when becoming aware of any infraction of the Code of Conduct.
- For additional details on Yale's Code of Conduct, please click here: https://yale.abbyschools.ca/code-conduct
Does your child need help or support?
A student can talk to a teacher, counsellor, vice-principal, principal, or another staff member they trust. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
If a student is struggling with homework, there is a Homework Club that runs Monday-Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in the Library Learning Commons.
If a student is struggling academically, please contact their teacher to see what additional support is available.
Do students need a locker?
It is not required that a student sign up for a locker at Yale. If a student chooses to use a locker during the school year, they can sign up for one. https://yalesecondary.lockerassignment.com/
Lockers are the property of the school and the contents are subject to school supervision. It is a privilege to have a locker, and most students will have to share a locker. It is the students’ responsibility to take care of their locker and to ensure that their lock combination is kept secret. Everything put on the locker walls or door must be removable and show no marks! All decorations must be in good taste! Please do not switch lockers to be closer to a friend. Anything that is unsafe or could be dangerous to others should never come to school and must never be put in a school locker. Locks are supplied by the school. Only school issued locks are to be used on school lockers.
What classes do grade 9s take?
The core subjects such as English 9, Social Studies 9, Math 9, Science 9, PE 9, and two electives.
Letter Grades & Report Cards
Learning Updates will be available in October and April, and Learning Summaries will be published in February and June. Students with incomplete work or who are in danger of failing will be issued an “IE” (Insufficient Evidence) which will turn into a Fail should the student not demonstrate proficiency in learning during the time they have been given to upgrade their mark.
Every student, including those with diverse needs has a place on the scale at any given time. As such:
The Emerging indicator includes both students at the beginning stages of grade level expectations, as well as those before grade level expectations. Students in this category required a significant amount of assistance to demonstrate their understanding. Students who are not yet passing in a particular learning area or course may be placed in the Emerging category.
The Developing indicator is for students who are showing initial under- standing and are still in the process of developing their grade level competency. Students in this category may not yet be completely independent in showing their learning.
The Proficient indicator is not synonymous with perfection. Proficient means that a student can demonstrate grade level competency consistently or most of the time. Students who are proficient can independently demonstrate their learning.
The Extending indicator includes both students at the upper end of grade level expectations, as well as those exceeding grade level expectations. Student who are extending are able to transfer their learning to new and unique situations and can independently demonstrate their learning with insight.
What athletics and clubs can students get involved in?
Being involved in extracurricular programs in school is a very important part of enjoying one’s time at Yale. Yale offers a variety of clubs to join as well as intramurals in the gym at lunch time. Students are encouraged to join a club or create a team to compete in intramural games.
Badminton Club:
-Mrs. McMahon / Mrs. Wickman
-Thursdays after school in the Spring
Black Connections Club:
-Mrs. Tessarolo & Mr. Roberts
-dates TBA
Boys Club:
-Mr. Wellington / Mr. Smith
-Traverse Room (D 115)
-dates TBA (by invite)
Cub Club:
-Ms. Hayley Davey
-Traverse Room (D 115)
-dates TBA (by invite)
Chess Club:
-Mr. Dekleva
-Learning Commons
Debate Club:
-Mrs. Latam
-Rm. E 110
-Thursdays at lunch
Dungeons & Dragons Club:
-Mrs. Sandison
-Rm. A 136
-Mondays at lunch
Global Club:
-Mrs. McMahon
-Rm. E 109
-Fridays after school
Key Club:
-Mr. Caron / Mrs. A. Penner
-Learning Commons
-Tuesdays at lunch
Muslim Student Association Club (MSA):
-Mrs. Christy Sandison
-Rm. A 136
-lunch TBA
Pride Club:
- Mr. C. Penner /Ms. Ross / Ms. Ladyka/ Mrs. Wickman
-Rm. E210
-Thursdays at lunch
Ski Club:
-Mr. Hunter
-Rm. C 109
-dates TBA
What should parents do if they have some concerns?
While many factors affect a child’s education, there is one that can be of paramount importance - communication. Frequent and open communication between parents and teachers leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of the educational process, as well as each child’s participation in it.
At Yale, we welcome and appreciate inquiries and visits, and trust that a parent will contact us when, and if, concerns or questions arise.
Step 1: Talk to the teacher involved. Step 2: Talk to your Vice-Principal Ms. Middleton (A-K) or Mrs. Thompson (L-Z). Step 3: Talk to the Principal (Mr. Wiebe). Step 4: Contact Dr. Ngieng, Deputy Superintendent. Step 5: Contact Mr. Nosek Superintendent
How can parents be more involved?
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is the parent community at Yale. It is hoped that the Yale parent community will work to support, encourage, and provide assistance to enhance the quality of education and the well-being for all students at Yale. For more information, please contact our PAC President, Ms. Whetmore.
How can Parents/Caregivers help at home?
Learning is not confined to the classroom. Parents are vital partners in the educational process. Some ways in which parents might help are:
Ask what was the best part of their day. Why?
Help them set aside a time and place to study.
Be supportive by offering lots of praise and encouragement.
Limit TV watching time, computer games, social media, and try to encourage more physical activity.
Keep in touch with classroom teachers as to the classroom routines, expectations, projects, etc. This can be done via email or phone call.
Encourage a balanced diet.
Appropriate consistent bedtimes.
Check the school website, and teacher/subject area websites and MYEd
Attend Parent/Teacher interviews.
Volunteer at the school.
Join the Parent Advisory Council