
YDI Survey for Grade 11 Students

January 25, 2022

Parents/Guardians of Yale Grade 11 Students,

Please take the time to read this important attached information regarding the YDI Survey that will be administered to all grade 11 students February 14-25, 2022.

The purpose of this project is to better understand aspects of children’s social and emotional development, health, and well-being that contribute to their overall success in school and in life. The YDI gives young people a voice in reporting their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in school, at home, and in the community. Your school is participating in the YDI because they want to know more about the health and well-being of their students and identify the ways in which young people’s success and well-being can be promoted in schools and communities. They can use the information to improve education, support, and services for all students. The survey questions align with the BC Ministry of Education’s K-12 curriculum which includes a focus on promoting young people’s personal and social competencies.

The YDI is voluntary and your child can choose whether or not to complete the survey. Participating or not participating in the survey will not affect your child’s grades. It will not affect any services that your family receives from the school. Your child may also withdraw from the YDI project after completing the survey by contacting the research team. If you do not want your child to complete the YDI, please return the attached form to your child’s teacher or principal within 4 weeks of receiving this letter. You can also email the YDI project team at ydi [at] to withdraw your child. Children who do not participate and who attend school in person will work on an activity that is related to their regular school work. We use a passive consent process whereby parents or guardians can opt out their child from participation because the YDI is low risk and provides valuable data to help schools and communities improve adolescent wellbeing.

Thank you!

Yale Admin